Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Photo Update


I'm sorry it's been a few days since my last post. The weekend got away from me with projects and other things, then straight into my work week.

Sherman has been great and seems to really be making progress. He has much more energy and he looks like he's putting more and more weight on. He loves his meals and can't wait to eat.


Day #1

Sherman continues to get his medication and medicated baths but the baths get better and better. During his bath this afternoon we noticed he's getting a little peach fuzz on his tail , hip, and face... It's the first signs of new hair growth!!!!!! I also realized his baths are a lot less crusty, meaning i'm not wiping crustiness off of him as I bathe him, it's more like giving a hairless dog a bath.

His skin also looks a lot better. He's gone from crusty, very stinky skin... to a more smooth, leather looking skin.


Day #1

Besides that, he has been introduced to and does very well with our three other dogs. He even did some "zoomies" the other morning. He's just an easygoing, happy, dog and we hope he starts to make quick progress so we can have him checked for any other underlying things.

 New Peach Fuzz!!
Teeny Tiny bits of new hair!!

I's like to thank everyone who has been following along and sharing Sherman's story. It's a story I feel needs to be told and heard.

1 comment:

  1. So very happy to see Sherman making such wonderful progress. With no hair, wonder if you need a UV suit to protect him from the sun. I use one on my dog because he has skin cancer. You guys are so incredible for all you’re doing to help Sherman & it’s so neat to hear his personality is coming out. Thank you for these wonderful updates. Take care


Belated Update!

We’re so sorry for the huge lapse in Sherman updates. If you know us personally, you know that the last two months could best be described ...