Sunday, July 12, 2020

Belated Update!

We’re so sorry for the huge lapse in Sherman updates. If you know us personally, you know that the last two months could best be described as a controlled chaotic mess. So we thought we should update you all on Sherman’s progress over the last 8 weeks! 

Sherman is SO CLOSE to hitting the 65 pound mark. He finally tipped the scales at 60 pounds in late June. He had a veterinary appointment on June 15th and the staff was very pleased with his progress! His skin isn’t quite ready for surgery as they need to make sure that the infection is completely gone. His hair growth hit a stall and he’s got about 20% more to go and then we are confident he will move onto the next step towards eye surgery and addressing the Hypospadias. 

Excuse the baby feet, but he loves sitting close to us.

Sleepy, lazy pup in his natural habitat.
He’s continuing to get all of his medicated baths and topical ointment for his skin. He is still taking antibiotics, so his stool is still soft. He’s been gaining weight at a healthy pace which is fantastic. When he came to us on April 11th he was 35 pounds and when I weighed his last week he was just over 60 pounds. It’s become harder to weigh him at home because he’s obviously getting heavier, but also so much stronger! It’s actually a great problem to have right now considering the horrific condition he started in. 

He's mastered this "deep in thought" look. 


Handsome boy!
Sherman has made strides in potty training. He does still leak sometimes, but it’s a small amount and he’s no longer soaking the potty pads in his kennel. Sherman is able to “hold it” overnight 99% of the time and will let out a certain whine/cry when he needs to go outside. We’re so incredibly proud of him! 
Sherman has caught on rather quickly that when the baby is in her high chair, the potential for dropped food goes up! He and our 11 month old have a special arrangement that when he’s nearby, she’ll drop her arm and hold food out for him. He very gently takes it from her, licks her hand, or just gives her kisses when there isn’t food and it’s very sweet. When she’s in her walker in the kitchen, she will chase after him and he plays back with her. He’s very gentle with both girls, but our 5 year-olds biggest complaint is when he tries to sniff her after drinking water. With those baggy jowls of his, he is a messy drinker and the drool trails are no joke! Let’s just say she isn’t a fan and has been trying to train him to not drool. Stay tuned to see if she’s able to accomplish the impossible! 

Using Maddy's step to try and steal treats!

Begging game on point!

Proud to be Sherman's accomplice!
Overall, Sherman is a giant goofy love bug. Sure, he has his medical stuff, but that aside he is going to make some family out there very happy. There’s no shortage of personality with this pup, and we are seeing more and more of it everyday! 

Hanging with his buddy George

Loves these pretend food chew toys. The jumbo shrimp is a favorite!
Please feel free to follow Sherman’s journey on our dogs’ Instagram account HERE
For more information on the rescue or to donate for Sherman’s care, visit Underdog Animal Rescue